Common Edible and Useful Plants of the West

by Muriel Sweet

Indians, pioneers, and early Spanish-Americans used many common wild plants for food and medicinal uses, as well as for making shelters and artifacts. Young Bracken fern shoots substitute for asparagus, clover for tea. Try a decoction made from mugwort next time you get poison oak. Plants are listed in categories such as water plants, shrubs, herbs, trees, and vines with an illustration to help in identification. 
ISBN 978-0-87961-046-3
Paperback, 66 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, price $7.95

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The Mushroom Manual

by Lorentz Pearson

Written by a college biology teacher, this book is complete for use as a college course, yet simple enough to be used by mushroom enthusiasts to recognize common edible and poisonous mushrooms with confidence. Of special importance is the identification of "the Foolproof Four" and a chapter on the "Fatal Five". Seven safety rules guide identification. Includes detailed descriptions and illustrations for over 300 species and delicious recipes.
ISBN 978-0-87961-161-3
Paperback, 224 pages, 5.5 x 8.5", price $15.95

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Sea Vegetables, Harvesting Guide & Cookbook

by Evelyn McConnaughey

A guide to foraging and preparing highly nutritious sea vegetables. Classification with illustrations, where they grow, harvesting, storage, table of nutritional equivalents, protein comparison, and numerous recipes are given. Try nature's bounty. Seaweed fertilizer and compost is great for gardens. As you collect, clean and create the recipes, any concept of seaweed being "that icky washed up stuff on the shore" will be erased!
ISBN 978-0-87961-151-4
Paperback, 242 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, price $16.95

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Forthcoming Nature Guide Titles (The following books were formerly in print but the inventory was lost in the wildfire that burned Naturegraph Publishers in September 2020. They will be added to our catalog gradually.)

1. The Californian Wildlife Region by Vinson Brown
2. Exploring Pacific Coast Tidepools by Vinson Brown
3. Know Your Poisonous Plants by Wilma James
4. Oaks of North America by Howard Miller and Samuel Lamb
5. Owls by Day and Night by Hamilton Tyler and Donald Phillips
6. Rocks and Minerals of California by Vinson Brown, David Allan, and James Stark